The Curtis Collection census was started by Dan Curtis in the 1990's, and was expanded and maintained with the capable help of Bill Buker. With the passing of Dan, Siegel Auction Galleries offered to maintain this indispensable resource for future collectors. |
Dan Curtis collected stamps off and on since 1948 and since 1992 worked continuously on his U.S. Revenue multiple collection until his passing in early 2014. Dan collected U.S. classics, Back-of-Book and Revenues through the RDs only. Dan was a banker, investor, developer and whatever, working in the Tampa Bay area and the Caribbean. |
Bill Buker has been a stamp collector since 1937.
His particular interests are German States, France and Japan.
With the advent of the census, Bill has become a very knowledgeable
U.S. Revenue historian and advocate. Bill is a published Pennsylvania
amateur archeologist and an avid antique bottle collector.
Bill moved to Florida in 1981, leaving the Pittsburgh area and the banking industry. |
All other information or inquiries can go to:
Curtis Collections
c/o Siegel Auction Galleries
Phone: 212.753.6421 • Fax: 212.753.6429
© Curtis Collection 2025 |